Created Growth

Pathway to Change

Setting Goals
Five Steps To Setting Goals

Now is your time to move forward in life. Here you will find 5 steps to setting goals and implementing them.


Need a quick way to relax your body and calm your nerves? Well, deep breathing is a technique you need to master. It will help you to shut down your fight-or-flight response and bring calmness to your body.

Life Changing Habits
Life Changing Habits

Are you tired of being stuck in some areas of your life?  You feel like it is time to make a change and struggle to implement it.  Well, here you will find four steps to creating life-changing habits that your desire.  

Self-Reflect Your Way to a New You
Reflect Your Way to a New You

Are you ready to stop the cycle of being stuck year after year? Now is your time to start moving your life forward and one of the ways to get moving in the right direction is through self-reflection.

Prioritizing Your Goals
5 Simple Steps to Prioritizing Your Goals

Prioritize your goals with these 5 steps and begin moving your life forward.

Motivate Yourself

Are you ready to move forward but lacking the motivation and the discipline for change to take place?  Here you will find small, simple baby steps to help you get started.

Let Go and Enjoy Peace
Let Go and Enjoy Peace

Ready to let go of past painful experiences you are holding on to that are keeping you stuck? Now is your time to be free and enjoy peace, joy, and love from within your being.


Do you need refreshing? Are you so busy taking care of everyone else that you feel drained? Take your health to a new level, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Take some time and rejuvenate yourself. 

lighthouse, pear, light bulb
Challenge Your Thoughts

Your thoughts are powerful.  They can change the way you feel, act, how you see yourself, how you see the world around you. Ultimately, your thoughts change you from the inside out.  Recognizing your thoughts is a step that helps you begin the journey on the pathway to change. 


Pathway to change starts with self-awareness!  See yourself without judgment by reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, motives, and life.  Upon reflection, you become aware that the self you portray does not reflect the self you desire to be.


Ready to take a stand on what you know is right for you?  Here you will find steps to becoming assertive in every situation.  The more assertive you are, the more confident you will become. 

Ready to Feel Energized
Feel Energized

Are you ready to move from constant fatigue to feeling energetic throughout your day?  Here you will find steps to gain the energy you need to keep going during the day and rest during the night.  

Beat Winter Blues
Beat the Winter Blues

Are you tired of the gloomy gray days where you feel stuck indoors?  Do you wish there was something for you to do?  Here you will find steps to discovering things to do indoors and outdoors during this winter.